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I am angry.
Really really angry.
I have probably mentioned before that i HATE my DT teacher. She is called Mrs Bowden and i hate her.
It's ok though, she hates me too. Really hates me!! i don't see why, i have never done anything to offend her...
Ok... there was that 1 time in year 7...
But that was AGES ago, she should have forgiven me by now.
Anyway, at the moment we are baking bread. We make the dough one lesson, freeze it, she takes it out of the freezer before the next lesson, we then leave it to defrost, let it prove, then bake it. simple.
(this is the bit that made me angry)
I used exactly the same recipe as everyone else, made exactly the same amount, put it in the same part of the freezer at exactly the same time as everyone else, but mine was the only one that wasn't defrosted.
Then, she wouldn't let me bake it for more than 5 minutes. It was completely horrible. It was all hard on the outside and all uncooked on the inside.
There can only be ONE explanation.
She sabotaged it. She took it out of the freezer later than she took everyone else's out.
why did she do this?
Because she is horrible and she's so pathetic that she feels the need to be mean to a girl who is probably several hundred years younger than her just because she has no real-life power.
In the meantime, i have subtly let her know how i feel about her in my evaluation of the bread:
ok. rant over.
So. I haven't written a blog for ages. This is because everything has been rubbish. But now it's getting less rubbish, my day today was one of those good days, not an amazing one. Not a day that i will just remember forever just quite an enjoyable one. Except for the bad bits, they weren't enjoyable. They were bad.
Here is what happened to me today, not everything that happened to me today, that would be a very boring blog, just some of the stuff:
- I discovered that i know a shocking (and slightly worrying) amount about The tropic of cancer and the tropic of Capricorn. I don't remember learning any of this stuff, i think it was just pre-programmed into my brain. I think it might be a sign.
- I drew a diagram showing the tropic of cancer and the tropic of Capricorn with the sun and the moon and some other stuff. My friends decided that it was so good, our teacher should pin it on the wall, they then nagged him until he did.
- I argued with my IT teacher about my grade on a piece of coursework, she then put it DOWN a grade because i was "arrogant and argumentative".
- I wrote an essay that was "genuinely impressive". if you don't know my English teacher then you won't appreciate how big that compliment is.
- I got my hand stuck in a grand piano and had to be rescued by Dr Parsons. He laughed at me. It was VERY FUNNY but it hurt quite a lot.
- I fell over in assembly. Not just IN assembly but standing at the front, collecting some trophy thing. Again, people laughed.
- I was Macbeth. Not the whole play, just the character.
- I cut my hand in chemistry. Mr Mathews put not 1, not two but THREE plasters on it!
- A really old lady swore at me.
- My piano teacher did an impression of what an elephant would look like if it sneezed.
- I ate a slice of pizza upside down.
- I discovered a new insult - called my father it and he was so impressed by it that he forgot to be cross with me.