Yesterday, i went to see my old people. I love my old people, they are lovely and mental, but in that wonderful old persony way.
I had a really nice day, it was lovely all round, that sort of excellent day where i'm still smiling about it today.
So, here is my recipe for an perfect day out:
Go on an adventure. Even if it's a little adventure, make sure it's something that you wouldn't normally do, something that makes you a bit nervous but also something that you want to tell people about afterwards.
Play a game. Even if it's a silly game, you should play it. I played two games yesterday, I Spy and Chicken.
Skip all the way down a hill, through a village, across a field and down to the sea, holding hands with your dad and your aunt.
Try something new, and discover that you like it. Yesterday i had chips with mint sauce for my lunch. it was yummy!
Teach someone something new. I taught Jordan how to swim underwater and how to dive. it was cold but fun.
Do something stupid, that makes everyone else laugh. It was sunny for about 10 minutes yesterday afternoon. We decided to go swimming in the sea. I went to the beach in my swimming costume and my shorts. We swam for nearly an hour and didn't notice when it started to rain. Then we got out, i had to run across a field and up a hill wearing just my shorts and bikini top. I screamed all the way. Everyone else found it very funny.
Eat homemade chocolate cake. That's quite self explanatory really.
Make a new friend. I made friends with the loveliest ginger cat you could ever met. He was called Henry and he was enormous, he came up to my knees! i thought he was a dog at first... i wanted to take him home with me.
Get lost. Days are more memorable if you get lost. We got lost on the way home, we somehow ended up in Essex!
Pretend to be really posh. My father started this; we walked past some tennis courts and he said, "Oh damn it! Nobody told us there were courts, we could have brought our rackets!" we then continued to have a "posh" conversation, we got some funny looks (especially as my father decided that you have to shout to be posh) but it was fun!
Get followed around by a very ugly looking boy, who will finally stumble up to you, and ask if you want to "go out with him". Say yes so as to not hurt his feelings, then run away and hide.
Make a stranger's day a little bit nicer. Do this however you like - i hugged someone. She was the saddest looking woman you have ever seen. she was sitting on a bench, crying and everything. I walked up to her and said "You look sad, would you like a hug?" she didn't say anything but i hugged her anyway. I hope that made her a little bit less sad.
Finish the day with a cup of tea, cheese on toast and a conversation with your favourite twitter people.
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