It was sad leaving my Grandparents. I am worried that they're lonely when i'm not there being loud and untidy.
Barry decided that he wanted to go to Cardiff as it's sort of on our way back. I've never been there before. It's very... Welsh. Like, more Welsh than you'd expect. I know that it's in Wales an' all but still, i've been lead to believe that very few people actually speak Welsh, well, that's probably a lie because i head at least 6 people speaking it. I mean, how can you not speak Welsh when every road sign and a great deal of shops have words in both English and Welsh. I was only there for a day and i learnt these words:
Araf = Slow.
bwsiau = bus
croeso = welcome
rhybudd = warning
allan = exit
After drinking coffee, we began to think about what we were going to do. The first thing i did was get lost. I really really needed the toilet and thought that there MUST be one in a shopping centre. I didn't realise quite how big this shopping centre was, it's probably bigger than Blue Water except all on one floor. I was lost there for over half an hour, there's hundreds of long corridors lined with thousands of shops but NO toilets! I finally remembered that Marks and Spencer's usually had toilets, but i forgot that there's usually ques of old ladies, miles long outside the toilets. So, 45 minutes after setting out to look for a toilet, i finally got to one. It took me 10 minutes to navigate out of the shopping centre only to find that my parents had got bored and wandered off.
I found my mother doing a survey about terrorism. So i left her to it. Then i found my father having an argument with a sales assistant in HMV.
Finally, we went to see a castle or something. My Father rufused to pay to go inside, instead we agreed that we'd go on one of those siteseeing tours.
There weren't many people on the bus, it was incredibly windy. Here are my parents, looking confused by a map.
The best picture i took whilst on that bus. It's not even that good.
The Millenium Centre. EXCITING!!
We went inside, this was also exciting. Aeroplanes.

The next thing we did was to go to the Dr Who exhibition at the Red Dragon centre. But I will write about that in another blog.
More going on a bus. We saw the Millennium Stadium. It's massive! But the weird thing is, it's really well hidden, driving around, you don't see it unless you're right outside it. Spooooky!!
I think that going on an open top bus down a motorway might be one of the scariest experiences of my life. It messed up my hair.
Then Barry suggested that we go to Barry. It was boring and my shoe broke. I had to hop around, looking like an idiot, Welsh people looked at me all funny. I looked right back at them.
Something i learnt - people in TGI friday don't mind if you go in there without any shoes on.
Something else i learnt - don't drink 5 glasses of lemonade before a 4 hour car journey.
So, that's the end of these holiday blogs. You're probably bored of them now, i definitely am. I hope you enjoyed some of them though. Bye bye.
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