Here are some of the things that made 2010 special:
iPhone. Nom.
V Festival (The most gorgeous photo of me ever taken - mostly just wearing other people's clothes)
A terrible play with the most amazing lovely funny kind talented cast.
1) Learn to play the piano well. So that when i say "i can play the piano" i won't feel like a complete liar.
Well, i certainly improved. My piano teacher told me I could be "So talented, if only i put a bit more time into it". That made me both sad and happy.
I like chips now, and jacket potatoes and I will eat aubergine without complaining.
4) Cry less.
I think i managed this, i should really have bottled all my 2009 tears and all my 2010 tears and done a comparison.
I made lots of new friends, at least 20 of them. And they're all brilliant.
Erm... Does Boris Johnson count?
7) Follow 116 new people on twitter.
So close, but forgot about this until New Years Eve - maybe I'll do this by the end of 2011?
8) Meet some more of the people i talk to on twitter.
7) Follow 116 new people on twitter.
So close, but forgot about this until New Years Eve - maybe I'll do this by the end of 2011?
I met the lovely Katcal and Regfrog and we went elephant hunting in London then spent hours in Victoria Station chatting. It was a most enjoyable day, even though it was so hot i thought my face was melting.
9) Spend less time on/thinking about twitter.
I think I've managed this, my hair's shorter now anyway and I've stopped leaving the house looking a mess.
People don't often feel like smiling back on a bus at 7 o'clock in the morning :(
12) Raise some money for charity.
Hell yeah! I've done a lot of volunteering this year, we raised £130 for Harris Hospice, I helped at a summer fair which made about £4000 for Help for Heroes and I helped Barry raise £250 for cancer research.
Discovered the joys of borrowing CDs rather than buying my own.
I have my Latin GCSE in 5 months, I'm just a little bit terrified.
18)Stop letting certain people be horrible to me.
2010 - The year I learnt to stand up for myself.
My brilliant cousin Em pointed out to me that nobody is looking at my face, they're all too concerned about themselves.
20) Write at least 1 blog a week.
Hmm... I wrote at least one blog a week but I didn't publish 4 of them. FAIL.
SO, 2011. What do I want to do this year? I think 2010 but with more glitter (and good exam results) would be a good place to aim for.
HAPPY NEW YEAR lovely blog readers. x