Grown-ups are strange creatures.
I seriously don't understand them but from what i have seen over these past 13 years, i have learnt this:
1) Grown-ups really like being grumpy.
2) Because they are grown-ups, they must always be right. even when they are very very wrong, they are still right.
3) Because they are always right, they see no reason to listen to anyone else.
4) Grown-ups love arguing.
I hate arguing. I just don't see the point. I never argue, i simply let the other person shout at me for a bit and I don't mind much because usually they have a good reason to be shouting, or, if they haven't got a good reason, at least i know that they're wrong. There is absolutely no point in telling them my point of view because they are so angry that they're not going to listen.
Does that make sense?
But what i really hate is other people arguing. It's sad because when you're not involved, you can see how silly it is. You can see that people are getting upset and upsetting each other over something that so silly that they've probably forgotten what they're actually arguing about.
Still making sense? Do stop me if I'm not.
And what i really really hate is my parents arguing. Especially as i know they've been arguing but they refuse to admit it.
I'm the teenager. I'm supposed to be the one screaming and slamming doors.
I told them to stop arguing. Both of them looked at me and said,
"It's not that simple"
I think it is that simple.
I think if they both just say sorry, everything will be fine.
This morning, to stop me seeing that they were arguing, they went to the end of the garden and shouted at each other.
I watched from the window.
They really are silly.
Did you know that today in 1883 was the volcanic eruption of Indonesia's Mount Krakatoa?
That's sad... 36,417 people died.
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