"Behold the turtle; he only makes progress when he sticks his neck out"
That's what my calendar is telling me today. I may have said before, but my calendar is one of the smartest people i know. Everyday, he shares a little of his wisdom as well as an interesting fact that always makes me go "Oh! i NEVER knew that!". For example, did you know that today in 1977, Queen Elizabeth II visited Northern Ireland for the first time in 11 years? I bet you didn't know that, did you? Once you have a lovely little fact like that, you can use it in conversation, not only does it impress people but it sometimes baffles them (to your advantage), it is also a very very good awkward silence filler. I know, it's a lot to take in, so i'll give you some examples:
Eg. 1
(there was some conversation before this - it would be weird otherwise)
..."Yes, my dog used to do that all the time when he was a puppy"
"Oh, that's nice, what's your dog called?"
"Francis... He's dead now."
"I'm very sorry to hear that!"
"It's ok, he was a horrible little thing so i shot him."
*very long and awkward silence*
You: "Did you know that today in 1977, Queen Elizabeth II visited Northern Ireland for the first time in 11 years?"
Eg. 2
"Stephanie, you STILL haven't found your maths book?"
"erm... no"
"have you even looked for it?"
"err...well... did you know that today in 1977, Queen Elizabeth II visited Northern Ireland for the first time in 11 years?"
"really, i NEVER knew that!"
See, my random facts have got me out of many a sticky situation.
Anyway, my point is (yes, this does actually have a point)... i like my calendar very very much. where did i get it? i stole it from my father's desk. which proves that stealing is probably a good thing.
(actually, that wasn't my point, i went to eat dinner just after i wrote "i like my calendar very..." and when i came back, i'd completely forgotten what i was going to say)
also, do you like that turtle picture? he's called George, he's 70 and lives in Ras Mohammed. i met him, he's awfully nice :)
You make me laugh out loud. And I think you're a natural writer.