It was really good. It was a lot less confusing than the book but it was sad and lovely and really disgusting all at the same time. I liked it a lot.
My mother said it was weird and horrible and disturbing but she liked the fact she was watching a film that wasn't in English because it made her feel "arty" (i know, she is VERY strange).
My father did as he always does through every film and was asking questions every 10 seconds:
"Is she a vampire?"
"Is he really dead?"
"What's that in the bag?"
"She is a vampire, isn't she?"
"Who's that boy, the dead one?"
"She's going to eat him, isn't she?"
"Why isn't she wearing a hat?"
...And my absolute favourite question he has ever asked...
"Is this based on a true story?"
I would have watched it on my own but my computer didn't want to play the DVD. So i watched it downstairs whilst my parents were eating dinner. They were eating pizza.
I may have commented that a man who has burnt half his face off with acid looks a bit like a pizza. I know, I am sick. Sorry.
It doesn't take a lot to give me nightmares so inevitably, i had terrible terrible dreams last night. The only thing is, instead of dreaming about vampires and blood and falling from

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