Firstly, it said that today in 1898 The American composer George Gershwin was born.
So, Happy Birthday George! Hope you had a nice day, with presents and stuff. and maybe a birthday cake shaped like a musical note or something?
Hang on, if you were born in 1898, you're probably dead...
Oh yes, it would seem that you died in 1937.
Sorry about that.
What was i saying? oh yes, calendar.
Here, this is one of the best things it has said in a while:
"You may rely on people with whom children and dogs make friends."
I have heard a lot of people (although mostly Geoff Lloyd) say that children hate them because they can see their inner-evil.
Children seem to like me most of the time. Its because i smile at them and i smell like playdough + dust and i fall over more often than they do.
Dogs don't like me though... or is it that i don't like dogs? i'm not sure.
I'm no good at judging whether people are nice or evil, i just assume that they are nice until they prove themselves to be otherwise, and even then i'll give them a second chance, unless they do a murder or something... even then i might give them a second chance... maybe not. I think it would depend on who they murdered. Maybe that's why people think i'm naive?
Maybe i should carry a small child around with me at all times, then they can tell me who is good and who is evil. That would help avoid horrible situations. Then agian, this child couldn't be too small... old enough to be able to explain to me effectivly who is good and who is evil, but then again, the child couldn't be too big either, i wouldn't be able to take them everywhere with me... ok. i need a medium sized child. i wonder where you'd get one of those from?
Do you think i'm weird now because i said that i didn't like dogs? Its not that i don't actually like them, i'm just a bit scared of them... well, not scared of them really, just scared that they'll hate me and try to eat my face. There used to be this dog that lived down the road, it was called Pepper, it seemed alright, but then one day we were playing with it and it just jumped up and bit my next-door neighbour's nose. It was all broken and bleeding (the nose, not the dog).
This blog is rubbish.
This is usually the part where i read it and take out off of the stuff that i've typed without thinking about but if i did that with this blog, there wouldn't be any blog left... maybe just these words:
inner-evil, otherwise, dust, bleeding.
I thought about those words quite a lot. Not because i particulary like those words, just because i had to think for a little bit to make sure that those were the words that i wanted to use.
Also, i'm really rather tired.