Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Happy Birthday

I'm bored.

Like really really bored, i've been feeling like this for the past two or three weeks. Nothing exciting has happened. I'd been looking forward to half term for ages and it wasn't that great.

It's not that i don't have enough to do, i have so much to do. I don't really have time to be writing this even, i do at least one thing everyday after school and almost every lunchtime in school. Then there's the extraordinary amount of homework and revision i've got, but i'm still feeling so completely useless.

I don't know... bored with life just sounds so dramatic and miserable, pretentious teenagerish... oh. um... yeah... moving swiftly on...

I'm just bored with what my life is at this moment.

I need something ELSE to do. But i don't really have much time. Every free moment i have recently seems to have been spent talking to the cat or drawing pictures of squirrels (yes, i've drawn a worrying amount of these).

There was a time, just under a year ago when twitter took up an awful lot of my brain space, arguably too much -i still like it, but it's not quite as good anymore, it really upsets me that some people don't talk to eachother anymore and some people have left twitter completely and some people i used to talk to loads have unfollowed me.

But I'm not just writing this to complain - and if i were you reading this i'd probably want to hit me for being selfish and stupid - no, i want your advice: I need something else to use up all the spare corners of my brain. Another hobby or something, something that doesn't take too much time and something that won't cause me to hate myself if i fail at it. something that helps someone else...? Or something that would be incredibly useful in my future...? Anything.


  1. Do you have a local am-dram group? You've got a fab face - I bet you could do well in acting.
