Tuesday, October 05, 2010


I need help.

I'm going to tell you something, you mustn't think i'm a freak, and don't say i'm being silly - that's what everyone else does.

I'm really really tired.

I go to bed at 10.30/11 and wake up at 6 every day. That's quite a healthy amount of sleep isn't it?

But the thing is, for the last two or three months, i've been having such ridiculously vivid dreams. They're not nightmares, just bad dreams, not with flying goats and trains that can talk, just the people i know in everyday life. That's the worst bit - they're so believable. They always put me in awful situations where i'm stressed and nervous and everything seems to be going as badly as it possibly could.

Then i wake up. Often, i wake up crying, which is a pretty rubbish start to the day. And i swear i'm more tired than i was before i went to sleep. Even though i know it was a dream, i still feel scared and shaky for the rest of the day. The dreams are so detailed and accurate that it's hard to believe they're not real.

I remember exactly when it started, I was at my Grandparents' house at the beginning of the summer holidays and one night i had this dream, it was actually a really nice dream but i was so shocked by the detail i could remember that the next day i wrote it down. It filled 12 A4 pieces of paper, and pretty much every night since then i've had another dream. They were quite pleasant at first but they seem to be getting more horrible.

And i don't know what to do... it's definitely having a major effect on my ability to concentrate in school and even when i'm really happy and having a good time, these stupid dreams are always at the back of my mind.

What can i DO??


  1. You poor wee mite. It's a tricky one, but you can sort it out with a bit of effort. You need to be able to relax the old bod, which isn't as easy as it sounds. If you look around on Google, find a progressive muscle relaxation MP3 and download it - that's someone talking you through relaxing each of your muscle groups one at a time. There are free ones that are just as good as the ones you pay for. Do that two or three times a day until you get to be good at it. Also, breathing exercises and meditation will both help you. This stuff makes you feel better during the day, not just at night, but you have to practice, it won't just suddenly work on the first day, unless you're very lucky. But it really is worth the effort. It works along the lines of, if your body is relaxed then your mind will follow suit. Hope that helps :)

  2. talk to these people in your dream, so you know in real life that it wont happen :)

  3. TO be on the safe side, I would go to a Doctor. Most will just give you sleeping tablets and say that it's stress (which it could be). If you have a nurse/psychologist/whatever at school, talk to them.
    Talk to you're parents about it. Explain it to them in detail and don't except their answer of "you'll be fine". Show them the 12 page essay.
    Meditation and relaxation are all good ideas too, but there could be (and I stress I'm no expert here) an underlying problem. Freudians would love to interpret your dreams, so let them?
    Most inportant of all, talk to someone (other than your legion of fans on the web). Parents, friends, brother, teacher, pet goldfish... as long as you trust them, and insist on how it's affected you.
    I wish you all the best.
