Monday, June 25, 2012

3 months and 4 days.

I'm bored. BOOORED. Hello.

I lasted a week of summer before getting all ineedsomethingtodoNOW.
I'm just no good at not doing anything.
I was meant to be doing things this week. But that didn't happen for... reasons.

Well, I'm making sense.

Today I drew this:

Because I know how to use my time efficiently. I'll send you a present if you comment and can tell me who it's supposed to be.

I also went on Pottermore for the first time since making my account then thinking "NO. Exams come before Harry Potter." Which I thought was pretty sensible/admirable/incredible.
I'm in RAVENCLAW. This is fantastic, since my parents first read me the books when I was 4 I've been a Ravenclaw in my head and now i'm a Ravenclaw... FOR REAL. Well, no. Still... in my head, but also on the internet. And the internet is Truth.

And here's a life update for you. For two weeks, I've been drinking my tea out of this mug:

Don't worry, I didn't buy it, I'm not insane. I made it, on a school trip about 4 years ago. (What is it?... Not a clue)
This is because my mother decided to clear out our entire house, this included all of our mugs. Except for this one, found in the back of a cupboard and deemed too terrible to give it to a charity shop. Nice.

Whilst protecting a handful of my belongings from my mother's Charity Shop Box, I found this book.

I got it 2 Christmases ago and at the time I thought "I'm nowhere near being old and boring, this does not concern me" and put it away.
Today I looked at it again and thought "gosh, I'm going to be 17 quite soon, that is old. And my nan told my yesterday (and every day I've seen her since I was born) that 'only boring people get bored' And I AM bored. Shiiiit"

So I looked inside the book. And I've decided to do some of these things. Number 36 is Start Your Own Blog. I did that. Here it is, see.

I'm going to see how many I can do before I turn 17. I have 3 months and 4 days, GOGOGO.

1 comment:

  1. I had this book. I failed to achieve anything in it because I was so pessimistic I got rid of it. Hopefully you'll have better luck doing the 101 things than I did.
