Happy New Year!!! Today, in 1801, The dwarf planet Ceres was discovered by Italian astronomer, Giuseppe Piazzi.
So, now it's 2010, i've started thinking about 2009. A lot of people i have spoken to have said that 2009 was definitely a bad year... i'm not sure, 12 months, 365 days, 8760 hours or 525600 minutes (unfortunately, i didn't have to look those numbers up or use a calculator, they're just a few of the many useless facts i have stored in my brain). Anyway, that's a long long time, especially if you're young like me, those 12 months are quite a high percentage of my life and i don't think that all of those 8760 hours can be bunched together and classed as good or bad.
Instead, i will tell you exactly what i thought of 2009 -
January and February and March.
i actually don't remember these. at all, luckily, back then i still kept a diary...
ok. i can't really read my writing but it seems that these months were boring, i went to a terrible PGL camp thing with school. I got two hamsters, Noel and Liam, who both died later in the year.
Oh, and i broke my toes.
And i can now pinpoint the exact point that i realised Twitter was great - Sunday 15th February, about 6 o'clock.
The last entry in my diary is about a suicide pact i had with my best friend.
April and May and June.
Errr... i don't remember these too well either, in fact, i'm just going to say that NOTHING of interest happened in these months.
July and August and September.
I dislocated my shoulder.
And i had exams.
And i got swine flu.
And i went to my Grandparents' house.
And i met lots of nice people from twitter.
And i made chocolate and Guinness cake.
And i had the most wonderful time with my family at the seaside.
October and November and December.
I met more lovely people from twitter.
I went on holiday and passed a SCUBA diving exam.
I was more depressed than i can ever remember being before.
Now, I think that sums up 2009 pretty well, but what about 2010?
I don't make new years resolutions, because i don't stick to them. Nobody does, really. Even the people who say they do are lying.
Instead, here is a list of some of things i would like to do in 2010:
1) Learn to play the piano well. So that when i say "i can play the piano" i won't feel like a complete liar.
2) Learn to like vegetables. and potatoes. so that i can go round to people's house for dinner without them wanting to murder me.
3) Make my handwriting readable.
4) Cry less.
5) Make at least 5 new friends.
6) Meet someone famous.
7) Follow 116 new people on twitter.
8) Meet some more of the people i talk to on twitter.
9) Spend less time on/thinking about twitter.
10) Brush my hair more often... like, at least once a week :-S
11) Smile at at least one random person each day.
12) Raise some money for charity.
13) Get a new hamster.
14) Spend less money on music.
15) Buy a new phone.
16) Read all of the books i got for Christmas.
17) Do my Latin homework. always... (although this one might have to start next week 'coz i *forgot* to take my Latin books home for Christmas)
18) Stop letting certain people be horrible to me.
19) Stop being so concerned about my ugly face.
20) Write at least 1 blog a week.
I'd really really appreciate your help with these... well, those that you can help with. Just, remind me about them, ok? Because i'm going to be really pissed off when it gets to 2011 and i've not done ANYTHING...