Do you know what's annoying me right now?
This woman who is getting all cross about the prime minister spelling her son's name wrong.
I spell things wrongly all the time - i don't do it specifically to be offensive, i don't even think it is particularly offensive, is it?
Surely she should be grateful that he wrote her a letter anyway?
Maybe he's just not very good with his spellings?
Maybe the person who told him the person's name had really bad handwriting?
Maybe he was writing it with a Scottish accent?
Has anyone considered these things? NO.
I just think that it's annoying, she would probably have never had mentioned it if it weren't for the fact she knew that newspapers would pay her for it.
My Enlgish teacher last year spelt "Stephanie" four different ways on my school report! i didn't think she did it to be offensive to me.
My piano teacher has called me "Charlotte" for the last year, i don't find it rude, i barely even mention it anymore.
A boy called David The Knob called me "Sarah" for the whole week i was Scuba diving with him... then again, i did call him David The Knob...
*deep breath*. oh well, just so long as it's not still in the news tomorrow...
This is brilliant. :)